Sparkling wine rebranding: strategy, identity, label design, creative platform
Fiorelli arrivale
Rebrandini por favoro
Bubblini mucho implementato
Lookini a-la festivale
Favorito clientini
Is Marini from del Pubertini
Dreaming of the dolce vita
Making her life less bitter

For Marini easy breasy
We’ve developed startegeasy
Pretty living Italinni
We Marini offerini
When full glassini of Fiorelli
And with a heart that is lovelli
Even in rain you sunbathini
And winter season is chillini

Identini developini
More bubblini we addini
Marini mood we upliftato
Her dolce vita celebratto
Logo mucho refreshini
Fresh new label creativatto
Pretty colors we choosinni
Magic, bold, new ilustratto

Italiano, Ukraino
Easy we have connectino
Fiorelian speakinni
And Marini make gladini
Fiorelli rebrandini
Bubbly drink we updatini
Funny language we creato
Time for bubbles to drinkatto

Creativo Directini: Glebinni Petrarka
Strategini: Arturo Redzini, Antonio Solonini
Designo Directini: Vito Vatamini
Designero Principale: Veronica Synevini
Designero: Kseni Milchini
Animo Designero: Giorgio Priymini
Copyratto: Romeo Piskunini, Sergio Hvostini