Genesis MCN-company branding: naming, logo and identity
SubSub is a startup within the IT company Genesis that helps develop and monetize YouTube channels (✧⌄✧)
Our task was to create a brand that would convey a simple idea to creative talents: with us, you can become a YouTube star.
Prior to our introduction, the brand team presented themselves to the world as Genesis MCN. MCN, or Multi-Channel Network, is a service that helps boost YouTube, TikTok, and other video platforms.
Many creators are skeptical of such brands, believing they groundlessly claim a significant portion of their earnings. So our challenge was to distance ourselves from the association with the MCN sector in a sophisticated yet creative way (✿ᴗ✿)
The good news is that the Genesis MCN team is not like typical corporate dementors. They are individuals who genuinely lift bureaucratic burdens off the creators, saving their time and energy for content creation ᕙ(○‿○)ᕗ
"Creators should create. We do the rest! "— said SubSub, and we believed them.

The brand works with creators from America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. That's why the new naming had to be concise, appealing, and easily understandable across different locations and audiences.
The majority of creators aspire to monetize their creative efforts. YouTube provides such an opportunity: the more subscribers a channel gets, the more its creator earns.
So we took the word "Subscribers," cut everything irrelevant off, added a playful rhythm, and consequently, SubSub was born — a brand that helps creators become YouTube stars by gathering an army of subscribers (★_★)
The new SubSub logo is creative binoculars always searching for talent. As the saying goes, talented people need support because arrogant mediocrity will succeed anyway (¬‿¬)
Vibrant colors transmit the energy of creativity. And joyful emojis, created from basic glyphs, spread positivity everywhere, whether in Ternopil or Tokyo (○*◡*○)

Arigato to Mr. Nick Roginets and the dynamic SubSub team (=^ᆽ^=)
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Account director: Artur Redzinets
Copywriters: Roman Piskun, Anton Solonko
Design director: Vik Vatamaniuk
Art director: Veronika Syniavska
Designer: Olesia Bahrii
Motion designers: Egor Priyma, Olesia Bahrii